Meeting of the working group on updating the educational program “Secondary Education (English language and literature)”

On October 27, 2023, a meeting of the working group on updating the Educational Program “Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education was held. In accordance with the order of the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, it included associate professors of the Department of English Philology, candidates of pedagogical sciences Ihor Romanyshyn (director of the EP), Svitlana Yatsiv (developer of the EP) and Iryna Bilianska (member of the working group); higher education student Olesia Serhiichuk, 3rd year student of the specialty 014.021 “Secondary Education. Language and Literature (English)”, graduate of the EP “Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)” Viktoria Yatsyshyn and the representative of employers Iryna Boichuk, deputy director for educational work of Lyceum No 1 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher of the highest category, teacher methodist.

Taking into account the current state and university regulatory documents on quality training of higher education students, the working group proposed to make changes to the educational and professional program “Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)”. In particular, those regarding the name of the subject specialty/specialization, the formulation of some program learning outcomes, the list and the volume of some compulsory and elective courses, final certification of the graduates and the procedure for assigning qualifications in the main and additional subject specializations.

In the near future, the project of the EP “Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)” will be considered at a meeting of the English Philology Department and published on the website for general discussion by stakeholders. All constructive proposals will be taken into account by the working group in the updated edition of the EP, which, after approval by the scientific-methodical and academic councils of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Precarpathian University, will take effect from the 2024/2025 academic year.