Cooperation with the international educational and methodical center DINTERNAL Education

At a time of the global pandemic, when the whole world faces new challenges, the social responsibility principle is implemented by educational platforms. The International Educational and Methodological Center DINTERNAL Education provided teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University free access to MyEnglishLab platform (Pearson).

It is a distance learning system that offers a wide range of testing capabilities for different levels of language proficiency: from Elementary to Advanced. Students and lecturers of the faculty have already appreciated the interactive online platform, as the program offers both automatic instant checking of tasks and creative tasks for a comprehensive assessment of grammar knowledge. In addition, the platform contains short and meaningful explanations of each topic, which greatly simplifies the work in the system.

Dinternal Education continues to work on lecturers training and offers a variety of webinars with leading experts from the center. Lecturers of the Department of English Philology take an active part in the proposed training and use all opportunities to ensure that students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages receive relevant knowledge using modern educational technologies.

We express our sincere gratitude to the DINTERNAL Education team for the provided opportunities, and, in particular, to the academic consultant of Dinternal Education Iryna Karamysheva for the timely and comprehensive information about all available resources.