Students and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages provided interpretation support for an International Scientific and Practical Conference

The II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Trends of the Social Work Development in Ukraine and Abroad” took place in May at the Center of Innovative Educational Technologies “PNU-EcoSystem” of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The participants of the conference were representatives of foreign universities, namely of Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Republic of Poland), University of Debrecen (Hungary), University of Economics (Varna, Bulgaria), Lyon Catholic University (France), Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania), Gdansk Higher School of Humanities (Poland), North University Centre of Baia Mare of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, in Baia Mare (Romania), Americas Empowerment Institute (Texas, USA),  as well as of a number of Ukrainian higher education institutions. The conference was held in a hybrid mode — in-person and remotely via the virtual meeting platform Zoom. In order to ensure the effective work of the conference and for the realization of fruitful cooperation and exchange of best practices in social work, the interpretation from English was carried out by Oksana Lapchynska, a first-year master’s student and Tetiana Petrenko, a teacher of the Department of English Philology, and from German by Oleg Blyskun, a first-year master’s student and Oleh Ostapovych, an associate professor of the Department of German Philology. The representatives of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​once again demonstrated their professionalism in the field of interpretation. The work of the interpreters was highly appreciated by both the organizers and the participants of the conference, and wishes for further cooperation were also expressed.