Lecture by American Professor Colin Redemer at the Faculty

According to the project «Live Library» and according to the cooperation with «InterVarsity USA» , the lecture, «The History and Philosophy of  Tolkien’s  The Lord of the Rings» by Colin Redemer, professor at Saint Mary’s College of California, was at the Faculty of Foreign Languages on March 11, 2019. The range of scientific interests of the American professor is closely intertwined with History, Philosophy, Literary Criticism and Christianity.

While an interesting and laidback discussion, students and teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the creativity of the British writer, the founder of the epic fantasy  J. R. R. Tolkien (1892–1973),   with a skillfully depicted secret and mysterious world  of Middle-Earth, in which the events of the novel-trilogy take place, with the motives of ancient myths, with Anglo-Saxon origin of the author’s own language and with numerous archetypes, literary symbols, and analogies, too.

One of the researchers of the great Englishman, Streford  Caldecon , described his book as follows: « «The Lord of the Rings» is a Christian and canonical book both in its content and in spirit». It’s thoroughly imbued with a sense of eternity, the objective reality of good and evil the wise man of God’s work.